The International Francoise Competition’s call for project is available !
The 2018 edition rewards a young exhibition curator for a project meeting the criteria set out in this call for project. This edition is different from the previous ones that rewarded an artist for the commission of a work in company. Always rooted in the valorisation of creative talents, Francoise wishes to diversify its fields of actions.
The International Francoise Competition is done in a two-tier system during the cross-year France-Roumania. Firstly, Francoise is partner of an exhibition of Romanian artists in Paris (Jan-Mar 2019), and secondly, Francoise is managing a call for project to work on an exhibition of emerging French artists in Timisoara, Romania (April-July 2019).
The laureate #IFC18 will be offered the opportunity to curate the exhibition in Romania of emerging artists including the Young Francoise Artists #YFArts. The issue of culture in a broad sense is required. A relation must be initiated between the different generations and nationality of the artistes. Romanian and French must be leaded to research and work together in order to create an exhibition, in Romania, of French emerging artists inspired by the Romanian scene. The exhibition will take place at ART ENCOUNTERS FOUNDATION TIMISOARA.
You have until the 21st of October to participate !
Download the call for projet here.